OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) has a suite of smart grid price communication and transaction standards in development and public review.  TeMIX is a profile (subset) of the OASIS standards.


The Smart Grid brings advanced information technology to the electric power industry.  TeMIX provides the price communication and transactive foundation for Smart Grid applications. 


A grid cannot be smart unless all tenders (price offers) and transactions are clearly communicated, recorded, executed and paid for and each party has full access  to tenders and can transact in its own interest with other parties.

Advisory Services

 TeMIX Inc provides training, product design and advisory services to developers of devices and services that can benefit from participating in a smart grid using TeMIX messaging

♦ TeMIX Inc provides training, rate design and advisory services to regulated and competitive retailers of electricity to implement innovative customer service plans and tariffs.
Contact Dr. Ed Cazalet at ed@temix.net to discuss your needs and ideas.

TeMIX Platform

TeMIX Platform cloud based services are deployed incrementally expanding from a single customer or feeder to an entire grid.

The TeMIX Platform's computer and communications resources for large deployments expand only  in proportion to the number of nodes, customer, generation, and transmission elements cordinated.  This provides huge savings in contrast to conventional dispatch and control methods for large grids.


The Temix Platform interfaces naturally with standard distribution and transmission grid models that characterize the current state and constraints of the grid.



"TeMix makes electricity dynamic price communication and transactions easy."

    TeMix Inc. and Universal Devices Inc. are piloting a Retail Automated Transactive Energy System (RATES) on the Southern California Edison distribution grid with the sponsorship of the California Energy Commission.  For more information click on the RATES tab above.

A New Book on Transactive Energy 
Click on this book cover to link to the ibook for iPad and Mac
This book is about applying fundamental business concepts
to move our electric power markets to a new paradigm. The
heart of the new paradigm is the use of forward and spot
transactions to guide investment and operating decisions.
The current paradigm is regulated cost-of-service and centralized
resource optimization. This old paradigm will gradually
give way to the new model as the electric system evolves
from centrally planned to a decentralized energy ecosystem.
The new business and regulatory model, Transactive Energy
(TE), scales well. It can coordinate decisions across the full
spectrum of size and technology. It works equally well for
central power-plant planning and for smart home-appliance
operation. It supports both competitive pricing and cost-ofservice
The TE model embodies four big ideas:
• There are two products: energy and transport services.
• Forward transactions are used to manage risk and coordinate
investment decisions.
• Spot transactions are used to coordinate operating decisions.
• All parties act autonomously.
This book is about applying fundamental business concepts
to move our electric power markets to a new paradigm. The
heart of the new paradigm is the use of forward and spot
transactions to guide investment and operating decisions.
The current paradigm is regulated cost-of-service and centralized
resource optimization. This old paradigm will gradually
give way to the new model as the electric system evolves
from centrally planned to a decentralized energy ecosystem.
The new business and regulatory model, Transactive Energy
(TE), scales well. It can coordinate decisions across the full
spectrum of size and technology. It works equally well for
central power-plant planning and for smart home-appliance
operation. It supports both competitive pricing and cost-ofservice
The TE model embodies four big ideas:
• There are two products: energy and transport services.
• Forward transactions are used to manage risk and coordinate
investment decisions.
• Spot transactions are used to coordinate operating decisions.
• All parties act autonomously.
This book is about applying fundamental business concepts
to move our electric power markets to a new paradigm. The
heart of the new paradigm is the use of forward and spot
transactions to guide investment and operating decisions.
The current paradigm is regulated cost-of-service and centralized
resource optimization. This old paradigm will gradually
give way to the new model as the electric system evolves
from centrally planned to a decentralized energy ecosystem.
The new business and regulatory model, Transactive Energy
(TE), scales well. It can coordinate decisions across the full
spectrum of size and technology. It works equally well for
central power-plant planning and for smart home-appliance
operation. It supports both competitive pricing and cost-ofservice
The TE model embodies four big ideas:
• There are two products: energy and transport services.
• Forward transactions are used to manage risk and coordinate
investment decisions.
• Spot transactions are used to coordinate operating decisions.
• All parties act autonomously.
This book is about applying fundamental business concepts
to move our electric power markets to a new paradigm. The
heart of the new paradigm is the use of forward and spot
transactions to guide investment and operating decisions.
The current paradigm is regulated cost-of-service and centralized
resource optimization. This old paradigm will gradually
give way to the new model as the electric system evolves
from centrally planned to a decentralized energy ecosystem.
The new business and regulatory model, Transactive Energy
(TE), scales well. It can coordinate decisions across the full
spectrum of size and technology. It works equally well for
central power-plant planning and for smart home-appliance
operation. It supports both competitive pricing and cost-ofservice
The TE model embodies four big ideas:
• There are two products: energy and transport services.
• Forward transactions are used to manage risk and coordinate
investment decisions.
• Spot transactions are used to coordinate operating decisions.
• All parties act autonomously.
This book is about applying fundamental business concepts
to move our electric power markets to a new paradigm. The
heart of the new paradigm is the use of forward and spot
transactions to guide investment and operating decisions.
The current paradigm is regulated cost-of-service and centralized
resource optimization. This old paradigm will gradually
give way to the new model as the electric system evolves
from centrally planned to a decentralized energy ecosystem.
The new business and regulatory model, Transactive Energy
(TE), scales well. It can coordinate decisions across the full
spectrum of size and technology. It works equally well for
central power-plant planning and for smart home-appliance
operation. It supports both competitive pricing and cost-ofservice
The TE model embodies four big ideas:
• There are two products: energy and transport services.
• Forward transactions are used to manage risk and coordinate
investment decisions.
• Spot transactions are used to coordinate operating decisions.
• All parties act autonomously.
This book is about applying fundamental business concepts to move our electric power markets to a new paradigm.  The hear of the new paradigm is the use or forward and spot transactions to guide investment and operating decisions.

The current paradigm is regulated cost-of-service and centralized resource optimization.  This old paradigm will give way to the new model as the electric system evolves from centrally planned to a decentralized ecosystem. .

Our am by writing this book is to expedite Transactive Energy as the normal way of doing business -- globally.  Transactive Energy is the keystone of an efficient, fair, and transparent electric power system.
iBook is best on the Apple iPad and Mac but it is also available on PCs and Kindle readers aAmazon.

 Transactive Energy: A Sustainable Business and Regulatory Model for Electricity (slideshow)

  • TeMix uses simple, standard tenders and transactions for electric energy among the connected parties.

  • The TeMix Platform is a cloud-based service of TeMix Inc. serving all participants in regulated and competitive electric power markets. 

  • The TeMix Platform. can be deployed securely, reliably and globally at low cost. 

  • The TeMix Platform is highly scalable from thousands to hundreds of millions of participants.

  • TeMix Inc. provides Transactive Energy messaging and other services under various service plans.

  • TeMix is a standards based approach to Transactive Energy on the smart grid.

  • Applications include price responsive demand using dynamic prices and price responsive automated smart devices.

  • TeMix can greatly reduce bankruptcy risk and capital requirements for electricity retailers.